If you see a message saying
"Account load error. If this message continues to appear, contact WR support: wwr_support@pixonic.com",
clearing registry is what may help you. Here are steps on how to clear your registry:
— Press Win+R keys;
— Type 'regedit' into the text field of the "Run" dialog box and click 'OK';
— Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Pixonic → War Robots;
— Select all entries in the opened directory (War Robots) and delete them.
In case the issue persists, try deleting game-related files that may be left in the Pixonic directory present in the "AppData" folder:
— open "Explorer" or "This Computer";
— go to the root folder of your primary hard drive partition (generally designated C:), go to the "Users" folder and open the folder with the username you assigned to your PC;
— go to "AppData", then "LocalLow", then "Pixonic", then "War Robots" (the exact name of the folder might vary depending on the platform you're playing on);
— delete the leftover files. You can also delete both the "Pixonic" and "War Robots" directories.
Additional files may also be present at "local\temp" in the respective directory. After performing these steps you may try to reboot your PC and check if it runs.