As a rule, leagues fall into subleagues: Gold III, Gold II, Gold I. To get promoted to the next league Commanders have to undergo a number of challenge battles. When their rating exceeds the upper limit of the league, challenge begins. To pass it keep your rating at a certain level for the next five battles. If it gets lower the minimum required value, the challenge resets.
League seasons last one calendar month. Commanders receive Au reward depending on the league they reach by the end of the season. Rewards for advancing in leagues are given only once. It means that you will not be rewarded for making it to the league you already reached in the past.
Reward (Au)
Private | 20 |
Intern | 20 |
Bronze III | 30 |
Bronze II | 40 |
Bronze I | 50 |
Silver III | 500 |
Silver II | 600 |
Silver I | 700 |
Gold III | 800 |
Gold II |
900 |
Gold I | 1000 |
Diamond III | 1100 |
Diamond II | 1200 |
Diamond I | 1300 |
Expert III | 1400 |
Expert II | 1500 |
Expert I |
1750 |
Master III | 2000 |
Master II | 2500 |
Master I | 3000 |
Champion | 3500 |